Wednesday, February 19, 2003

A few things are worth mentioning today, in my estimation.

First off, I went over to Shirley's house last night and got Red Hat Linux installed on my Shuttle SS51G, which means I'm looking for a program to play DVDs on it, and a cable to hook it up to the family TV. Oh, and I'm not the only one who doesn't know what red hat means.

The unofficial "Los Angeles Watchers of Japanese Drama" club, with an official population of two members, has begun a new thread on the KIKU TV forums for the new Sunday night sub-titled drama First Love, now showing on Asahi Homecast channel 44. For posterity, our old thread on the show "Are You in Love?" has been archived.

And thirdly, I ran across a cool notation called Tikitext, by Timothy Appnel, for marking up text before it is parsed and published on, say, blogs or other CMS a pplications. This is something I ran into but didn't give much thought to when I was overhauling my own text-to-html parsing engine just a few weeks ago. Hopefully, it will not be too hard to implement his ideas. Or perhaps I will just install the perl module itself
