Just because this is a good entry, I'm reposting a China, Michigan, Books entry here:
Special Report: Rural Migrant Brothers, We Live A Different Life
In our daily lives, we can often see the presence of this community. They do all of the heavy work on construction sites, work as nannies or deliver milk for city residents, serve in all manner of restaurants; in other words, they do all of the dirty jobs and live the tired and bitter life that city folk aren't willing take on. In everything they do, of the prosperity of the city is intertwines itself with their contribution. These people are the migrant labor force (流动的劳动力) that has come from the countryside to the cities and towns of China. They are called (农民工), or (民工) for short. But, in reality, how many of people are watching out for the survival of this community? Are they living well, or barely getting by?
In an unrelated article, 军事专家谈反“台独”战争:六条代价 战犯必惩 (Military Specialists Discusses anti-Taiwanese-Independence Conflict: Six Prices to be Paid), major general Peng Guangqian of the Military Academy of Science reveals that Vice-Premiere Wen Jiabao is willing to pay six prices in case of a military conflict with Taiwan, prices which include cutting relations with certain countries, risking armed conflict on the south-eastern coast of China, and loss of the 2008 Olympic Games.
Andy Ahn requests, and I comply: link to an English version of the latter article.
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