Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I was disappointed with today's Morning Post, only to find a treasure trove on the front page of the Metro Express alone:

  • 网上扬言攻击政府被依法逮捕
    The police give examples of people who were recently fined or jailed for using the internet to: issue death threats against government workers, incite workers to strike, and create pictures that are critical of the government. They remind the readers to be civilized users of the internet, according to the published law.
  • 珠江口两高速客轮相撞145人全部获救

    Two boats crashed yesterday morning in the Pearl River Delta, a Zhuhai Haitong boat going from Zhuhai to Guishan and a First Ferry boat from Hong Kong to Macau. Haitong's ship suffered from major damage, resulting in a semi-dramatic picture of a boat sinking. All 145 involved were rescued.
  • 免费调度中心“渔翁得利”暂不“跟风”
    Qiangsheng and Bashi taxi companies have decided not to immediately follow Dazhong's lead in charging RMB 4 for reserving a taxi over the phone. Qiangsheng and Bashi saw their own reservations rise by 20% and 10% respectively after Dazhong implemented the surcharge yesterday. City officials say the surchage is perfectly legal, and that they are happy to let the market sort things out as long as companies are rationally managed and pursue outcomes mutually beficial to companies and customers. Passengers say they are satisfied with the current situation and will choose to use Dazhong taxis only during hours of peak demand.

In the sidebar of national and international news:

  • 山西长治发生禽流感
    Incidents of the chicken flu virus reported in Shanxi.
  • 大陆货运首次直航澎湖
    First-ever flight of cargo from Fujian's Quanzhou to Taiwan's Penghu.
  • 美国驻柬埔寨使馆意外收到14万发子弹
    American embassy in Cambodia mistakenly receives a shipment of 140,000 bullets. A representative of the Cambodian government says it was simply a shipping mistake, but is still investigating.
  • 美国副国务卿辞职将加入高盛集团
    US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick's resignation was announced yesterday by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. He will join the Goldman Sachs Group as a managing director.

From the "More Inside" section:

  • 铁路南站南北广场胡永

    Shanghai South Railway Station's north and south squares brought into use; underground tunnels facilitate transfers.
  • 网友派送“单身腕带”

    Online singles wear wristbands to attract conversation partners on the subway.
  • 美国一家族11人

    American family of 11 all have stomach removal procedure together.


At Aug 19, 2006, 2:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said:

Would you happen to have more details on the "online singles wear wristbands to attract conversation..." story. I'd love to read more. Thanx!

- Virginia

At Aug 20, 2006, 2:17:00 PM, Blogger Micah Sittig said:

When the story came out back in June, it was already nebulous and short on details. Anyways, it ended up that the practice was discountinued after people started getting harassed for wearing the wristbands: too much attention was a bad thing!


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