Wednesday, September 03, 2003


Games & Diversions sponsored by HMCC was fun. The upper level of the Chemistry Building atrium had snack stands and tables, serving smoothies, popcorn, nachos, corn dogs... The lower level had benches, rugs, board games and video games, including Halo projected onto a large screen. I spent some time playing Halo, and Taboo the party game. In the process, also met some new people and renewed acquaintances; names I remember: John, Jimmy, Eugene, Pete, Rebi, Nickey, Rose, Pastor Andrew, Henry, Mark, Dan, (the other) Micah... gosh, so many names. Nickey was a Spanish major as an undergrad, spent some time in Madrid and Santander, and speaks great Spanish. In the end, I lost track of time and stayed until about 10pm.


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