Saturday, October 30, 2004


I went to this concert last night at Haley's Bar in the Xujiahui area. Four bands played, here is a mini review:

the herb: the second best band I've heard in Shanghai, pulled off another winner last night. Catchy tunes, a varied repertoire of moods, all with a punk/pop edge.

14 行诗: Hard hitting rock from a bunch of surfer dudes, they actually warmed up the crowd significantly. Not as talented as the Herb, but worth a listen.

玄武门: music aside, the wackiest-looking metal group I've ever seen: mini computer nerd with long black hair on the guitar; gangly, evil-clown-smile guy on the bass, happy Mr Kindergarden on the synth, pretty boy L'arc-en-ciel-type on vocals (looks that belied an amazing voice)... I think I have higher expectations artistry-wise from metal groups, and these guys didn't quite measure up. So it was still quite a nice set.

甜蜜的孩子: talented, but didn't put any creativity into their set; I spent all night thinking "what separates them from the Filipino cover bands is that they haven't covered U2"... and guess who they closed covering. Yup.

The Good: great attendance, good music for the most part.
The Bad: a crowd that warmed up slowly, the floor being blocked off by people in chairs for most of the Herb's performance.
The Ugly: the Honey's tardiness, 40-year old men in suits dancing to Rolling Stone covers.


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