Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Selected articles from this morning's Youth Daily paper:

Despite rising gasoline prices, the price of a ferry ticket across the Huanpu will not rise. City gov't promises protection of ferry operator salaries.
All 208 professors who are advisors at Jiaotong University are required to set up personal websites and make a minimum number of posts to the school BBS in order to stay in touch with the students. Profs who fail to meet the requirements will not be included in the promotion process. A "blogging contest" will be held at the end of this year.
To accomodate passengers on the new red-eye flights flying into Hongqiao Airport, the special airport bus lines will extend their operating day by 3 hours. The last bus will leave at 1:30am.
Shanghai's white-collar workers work so hard and don't want to be caught slacking, that they have taken to napping in toilet stalls on their lunch break. According to posts on "white-collar BBSs", this is not an uncommon thing.
A baby boy is born in Mr Sha's Dazhong taxi.
eBay China gets sued over the use of brand names on its website.

I got through about 2/3 of the paper on my ride to school this morning. Those articles are just a sample that reflect my interests. The rest are the usual national, international, financial, entertainment, etc.


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