Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Lately I've been so busy with school: teaching three different classes, coordinating with CY to run the Math Club, and arranging for Astronomy Club coursework and learning enough about the school telescope and telescopes in general to set up a observation sessions on certain Saturday nights.

One thing that helps me to stay sane is following the tips and tricks that come up on the AP Central website's AP Statistic teachers' mailing list. One hot topic right now is guessing when the US population total (whatever that means) will roll over to 300 million. You can track the population's progress at the US Census' website. Current guesses say sometime during the next 12 hours.

On Saturday night I stayed late after the observatory run to answer a student e-mail, and so I took some low ISO, long-exposure night pics of the school:

One the same night I also snapped a shot out of our apartment building.


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