Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It's election day! I'm late, you say? No, I mean, it's time to vote for your representative to the National People's Congress (Wikipedia). There's banners up in our neighborhood, and I got this e-mail today at work:

 发件人: All_User_Email
 发送时间: 2006年12月12日 10:41
 收件人: Inbound
 主题: 积极投入人大选举12/12/06(今天)
 积极投入选举 12/12/06(今天)
 投票日期:2006 年 12 月 12 日(今天)
 投票时间:上午 10:00 至下午 15:00。
 投票地点:OS 4 楼 餐厅
  ADB 2 楼 餐厅
  LQ 服务中心

 若有任何疑问请联络。。。(。。。, 分机。。。)。谢谢!

Most company-wide e-mails are bilingual Chinese-English, but this one was for Chinese employees only. I translate it here:

To: All_User_Email
 Sent:  December 12, 2006, 10:41
 From:  Inbound
 Subject:  Enthusiastically participate in the People's Congress 
   vote on 12/12/06 (today)
 Enthusiastically participate in the People's Congress vote on 
   12/12/06 (today)

 Dear colleagues, 
 The right to elect and to be elected is a basic political right of 
 a country's citizens, a requisite and effective way for citizens 
 to participate in the governance of their society and country.  
 We'd like to ask you to please excercise this sacred right by 
 enthusiastically participating in the election.  Employees who 
 are registered Shanghai residents or have residency permits 
 can take part at the company itself (see the list of names posted 
 in the dining hall).  Concrete voting procedure:

 - Write an "O" in the little box next to the names of the 
   candidates you support.
 - Write an "X" in the little box next to the names of the 
   candidates you oppose.
 - If you wish to abstain, do not write anything in the box 
   next to the candidate's name.
 - If you wish to write-in a candidate, write the candidate's 
   name in the space and write an "O" in the box next to it.
 - All marks must be written clearly and correctly. 

 Over half of qualified voters in a district must participate for 
 the vote to be valid.  If the vote fails to be valid, a re-vote 
 will be carried out.  So please, please excercise your sacred 
 right by enthusiastically participating in the election.
 Voting date:  December 12, 2006 (today)
 Voting time:  10am-3pm 
 Voting location:  OS 4 dining hall
   ADB 2 dining hall
   LQ service center

 If you have any questions, please contact ... (..., extension ...).  
 Thank you!

So now you're wondering how the campaign has been shaping up. Plenty of mud-slinging? Harmonious as president Hu would like it? Maybe I've been looking in all the wrong places, but I have seen no evidence of campaigning at all. I didn't even realize that the election was coming until I saw the banner go up on the fence below our apartment yesterday. Anybody else?

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