Yesterday I got all excited about and making my own passport photos, and all angry about how Walgreens and Rite-Aid charging passport-photo prices for printing self-generated passport photos.
Today I take my new passport photos to the Zhangjiang Carrefour Fujifilm shop, and guess what: the lady wants to charge me RMB 15 (2 bucks) per page for printing them out because they are ID photos! And she had the gall to tell me she was giving me half price because I took them myself.
I just walked out. I'll print them online.
You can create valid passport photos with website.
It uses face detection to set size and position of head.
It is free.
Wow! Face detection is even cooler. The bad thing is that its print-sizes are non-standard for China (in cm, not inches). I'm not sure what size to use for 6" photos.
Try out I think this passport photo service is better than idphoto and epassport together.
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