Sunday, October 28, 2007


Now that I live in Pudong and have a full-time job out here, I don't get across the river to Puxi that often, so excuse me if this is old hat to you. But there's two things that wowed me when we went to pick up Jodi's parents at the South Railway Station the other day:

  1. The Metro City (Xujiahui) globe is now covered with LEDs and flashing psychedelic patterns at passing pedestrians and cars. Actually, this is the second time I've seen it but it still floored me. Also, the development along Zhaojiabang Rd is really picking up steam.
  2. There's a Lawson on the platform of the Lianhua Rd metro station. I've never had to ask the cashier to hurry up with my change because a train is pulling up in front of the convenience store, but I just couldn't resist a Meiji chestnut-red-bean ice cream. I wonder how many times that happens each day.

Our favorite 麻辣烫 malatang place at 南方商城 was torn out, but I picked up there-and-back tickets to Beijing for next weekend while we were at the train station.


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