Wednesday, March 23, 2005


This is a romantic list that I found in the latest issue of 读者 (Du Zhe), a sort of Chinese Reader's Digest. I liked it a lot, I'll probably hang it up on the wall:

The Guy That Warms My Heart

  • 有点害羞,但曾在分别的街头,大声说我爱你
    He's a little shy, but when we're on the opposite sides of the street, he'll yell out "I love you".
  • 同我去庙里求签,轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。
    When I go to the temple to pray, he lightly holds my hand and kneels with me.
  • 言而有信。
    His words can be trusted.
  • 从来不迟到——我迟到他不生气。
    He's never been late—and when I'm late, he doesn't get mad.
  • 拥抱很久、很紧——每次我起身时几乎是需要慢慢推开他。
    He holds me long and tight—each time I get up, I nearly need to slowly push him away.
  • 睡得比我迟一点,醒来早一点。
    He goes to sleep a little later than me, and wakes up a little earlier.
  • 朦胧醒来轻呼我的名字——没有呼错。
    When he wakes up groggily he groggily calls out my name—and gets it right.
  • 记得我的日期、鞋号、密码、最怕的事。
    He remembers my birthday, shoe size, password, and the things that scare me most.
  • 我很怕虫子,见到虫子大声尖叫他不会笑我。
    I'm very afraid of bugs; when I see a bug and let out a shriek, he doesn't laugh at me.
  • 雨后的早晨我去花园,用小树枝爬到路上来的蚯蚓送还草地——他在一边帮我。
    After it rains, I go to the garden and use a small branch to return earthworms that have wandered onto the path to their homes in the grass—and he's by my side helping me.
  • 笑起来很像个坏蛋——其实不是。
    He laughs like a maniac—but he's not really.
  • 不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰淇淋做奖励。
    When I'm feeling bad, he takes a day off to take me to see the doctor, and buys me an ice cream on the way home as a reward.
  • 开车绝不喝酒,让我系上安全带。
    He never drinks before driving, and makes me wear my seatbelt.
  • 帮我做家务,每天。边做边聊天。
    He helps me do the housework, everyday; we chat as we work together.
  • 常常帮助别人,不为什么。
    He often helps out other people, for no reason.
  • 答应我:永远不。然后永远不。
    He answers: I won't, ever. And he doesn't.
  • 一边吹口哨一边修马桶。
    He whistles as he fixes the toilet.
  • 说:希望你是我的女儿。
    He says: I hope you'll be my girl.
  • 白煮蛋的黄可以给他吃。
    He will eat the yolk of my egg for me.
  • 雨天散步,背我过积水,说:你还可以再胖一些啊。
    On rainy days, he carries me over puddles and says: you could stand to gain a few pounds, you know.
  • 吵嘴时不会一走了之。
    When I yell at him, he doesn't just walk away.
  • 错了会认错。
    He admits when he was wrong.
  • 阅读女士脱毛器的说明书然后教我。
    He will read the instructions to the hair removal machine, and then teach me how to use it.
  • 我说笑话他笑。
    He laughs at my jokes.
  • 逛街时我看中同一款式三种颜色的裙子,他说:都试一遍好了。
    When we're shopping and I see three identically priced skirts of different colors, he says: try them all on.
  • 试鞋时,他把我的卡通袜叠叠塞进上衣口袋。
    When I try on shoes, he stuff my cartoon-themed socks in his pocket.
  • 常常说,有我呢。
    He often tells me: I'm here for you.
  • 事情过了才告诉我,轻描淡写。
    He doesn't boast about things he's going to do, and when he does them, he's modest about it.
  • 指甲整齐干净,喜欢我替他剪指甲。
    When he decides to clip and clean his toenails, he likes me to clip them for him.
  • 我做的菜他每样都爱吃,要求明天再做。
    No matter what dinner turns out like, he loves it and asks me to make it again tomorrow.
  • 小孩子都喜欢他,常常在楼下玩一裤子泥回来。
    Little kids like him, and he often plays with them downstairs until he gets all muddy.
  • 轻轻拧开我拧不开的汽水瓶。
    He lightly twists open bottles of soda that I can't open.
  • 忙时给我订机票,让我带父母一起出去玩。
    He reserves airplane tickets for me when I'm busy, and lets me take my parents out on trips.
  • 告诉我——24小时随时打电话。
    He tells me: you can call me 24 hours a day.
  • 告诉我——不要省钱。
    He tells me: don't be so thrifty. *去义务献血,回来笑嘻嘻掏出一块“福利饼干”给我尝。
    When he comes back from donating blood, he giggles and pulls out the "thank you" cookie for me.
  • 偷偷买一件两人合穿的雨衣放在车上。
    He secrectly buys a two-person raincoat and hides it in the car.
  • 我喜欢赤脚,他在副驾驶位脚下铺一小块羊绒毯。
    I like going barefoot, so he puts a small sheep's-hair rug on the floor in front of the passenger seat.
  • 留言时画一个小老虎头当签名。
    When he writes me notes, he draws a little tiger as his signature.
  • 偶尔叫我妈妈。
    Every once in a while he calls me "mama".
  • 说谎时结巴。
    He stutters when he doesn't tell the truth.
  • 与人争论听上去像是解释。
    When he argues with people, he sounds like he's just calmly explaining things.
  • 教我滑旱冰,扶着我跑了快一千公里。
    When he taught me how to skate, he held my hand for a thousand kilometers.
  • 送我的花是盆花,叮嘱我浇水 He gives me potted flowers, and reminds me to water them.

I was going to type these all in by hand, but luckily somebody had alread posted them to a BBS (and lots of other places, if you search for them). Interestingly, they added a bunch. Here's a quick translation:

  • 从不上网聊天。
    He doesn't chat online.
  • 他的秘书说帮他缝上脱落的纽扣,他说谢谢,不用。
    When his secretary offers to help him button up, he says: thanks, but no thanks.
  • 和我下棋,允许我悔棋。
    When we play chess, he lets me take back moves.
  • 他其实很早就对他的父母说起我…… He actually told his parents about me a long time ago...
  • 喜欢运动,带我去招待女宾俱乐部。
    He likes excercise, and takes me to girls' clubs.
  • 穿十年前的牛仔裤仍然合身。
    He wears his ten-year-old jeans, and they still fit.
  • 他养了一条大狗,他的狗喜欢我。
    He keeps a big dog, and it likes me.
  • 吵嘴时我要他还我送给他的维尼熊,他坚决不还。
    When I yell at him to return the Winnie the Pooh I gave to him, he still won't give it back.
  • 我不辨方向,他体内有指南针,说——跟牢我。
    I have no sense of direction; he has a compass built into him, and says: follow me.
  • 吃我吃剩的东西。
    He eats my leftovers.
  • 我失眠时他陪我聊天。
    When I can't sleep, he chats with me.
  • 用双肘和膝部支撑体重……
    He uses his elbows and knees to support his weight.
  • 她以前的女友有困难会来找他。没有困难则不会。
    When his old girlfriend has problems, she comes to him for help. When she's fine, she doesn't.
  • *上有一道伤——和几个小流氓打架时捏住对方的刀,我警告他下次不要这 样了,他点 头一笑不答。
    Last time he was hurt, it was because he got into a fight with some riffraff. I warn him that he shouldn't fight next time, and he will nod and laugh curtly.
  • 我洗澡时他拿了本杂志近来坐在马桶上看。
    When I take a shower, he grabs a magazine and sits on the toilet, reading.
  • 比我高,我取不到的东西让他取。
    He's taller than me, and takes down things that I can't reach.
  • 重大的事情和我商量,比如明年的投资计划、周末野餐带不带烧烤架,晚 饭吃大白菜还是小白菜。
    He talks over important things with me, like our financial plan for next year, whether to bring the barbacue to the picnic, or whether to eat large cabbage or baby cabbage for dinner.
  • 站在商店的洗手间外面等我。
    He stands and waits for me outside the mall bathroom.
  • 我感冒了,他还是会用我的杯子喝水。
    When I have a cold, he'll still use my cup to drink water.
  • 打电话嚷:我办公室的热带鱼生小鱼了! He'll call me and shout: the tropical fish at our office had little baby fish!
  • 和大人在一起像大人,和孩子在一起像孩子,和狗在一起像狗。
    Around adults, he's an adult. Around kids he's a kid. Around dogs he's a dog.
  • 喜欢我,从未犹豫,从不和别的女人比较。
    He likes me, has never given me reason to doubt, and doesn't compare me to other girls.
  • 必须非常合心的东西才会买——买时从不问价格,然后用很久很久。
    He won't buy things unless we really need them—we never talk about the price, but he uses things for a long time.
  • 火车站接我,早到十分钟,带一盒蓝莓酸奶。
    He comes to the train station to meet me, arrives ten minutes early and brings a cup of blueberry yoghurt.
  • 常常央求我唱一支歌。
    He often asks me to sing a song.
  • 我买给他的东西都合他心,不转送他人。
    He treasures the things I buy for him, and never gives them to other people.
  • 身上的味道很好闻,但他自己不知道。
    He smells good, but he doesn't know it.
  • 逛街回家,一只眼看电视球赛一只眼看我试新衣。
    When we come home from shopping, he'll have one eye on the TV, and one eye watching me try on new clothes.
  • 对女人有风度,也有距离。
    To women, he's polite but not familiar.
  • 有了他,电脑罢工不必彻夜痛苦。
    When he's here, I'm not doomed if the computer stops working.
  • 很少叹气。
    Doesn't get angry often.
  • 不想当官。
    He doesn't want to be bossy.
  • 真的可以随时找到他。
    I can find him anytime.
  • 和他在一起不怕死——也不害怕活下去,活到很老……
    When I'm with him, I'm not afraid to die, nor to continue to live, to live until we're old...


At Mar 30, 2005, 2:56:00 PM, Blogger Aliya Mysha said:

Hey that article you had is interesting! I'll like that kind of guy too cause he really warms my heart too :)


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