Friday, April 29, 2005


I've been having problems with my camera phone because my MMSs were not managing to get through to the server, so I had a big backpile of photos stored on it. Recently, that blockage came undone so I've uploaded a bunch of old photos. I'll do a big review sometime. In th meantime, here's two I took in the last week or so, with some explanation:

Xinshidai Preschool has a really cool piano teacher. She has this great double personality like my mom and me, where she'll be super angry at the kids and then turn and smile at you the very next second. On Thursday, she wasn't in class, then showed up at the very end of the day with a bowl of pineapple slices sprinkled with sugar (it's pineapple season, you can buy them freshly skinned on just about every street corner in Shanghai). I got to have fresh pineapple with the two and three year olds, and when they looked with envy on my piece, I couldn't help but share it with them. It was... heartwarming.

You know it's summer when the bus seats get covered with bamboo mats.


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