Thursday, April 13, 2006


From "Analyzing the Labor Shortage in China":

For example, says Yu Nanping, “Zhejiang Province has a very advanced textile industry and therefore is in need of a lot of female workers between the ages of 18 and 25. The city of Shaoxing, for instance, has experienced a labor shortage this year. The preference for younger workers has further restrained the labor supply.” [emphasis added]

The reality of female workers between the ages of 18 and 25 had always been lost on me, that is until I started working for my current employer. Every day as I walk the last block or two to school, I pass a line-up of dozens of these young women waiting to catch the company shuttle bus from the Living Quarters (LQ) to the semiconductor plant where I assume they sit at long tables assembling microchips.

In Shanghai. (Well, Pudong to be exact. But we'll be lenient today.)


At Apr 18, 2006, 11:52:00 AM, Blogger Li-Zhao 李钊 said:

huh, it is strange to find that you can use blogger inside China.
None of my friends in China can access my blogger. What a pity.


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