Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I'm in the Hangzhou office, dripping with sweat. It's not really an office, it's an apartment, and in typical Chinese fashion they're running the A/C with the intent of cooling down the rest of Hangzhou (ie windows and door cracked open). I taught class this morning. I taught class the day I got here. I co-MCed a big production involving a bunch of preschools on Saturday. Otherwise, I've been pretty free, hanging out at the (properly air-conditioned) hotel, having dinner with Summer on Saturday night, and actually making a trip back to Shanghai on Sunday/Monday to see Jodi.

I teach class tomorrow afternoon. I've been asked to engineer a several day class on pronunciation for the teachers that work here.

I'm not real excited to be in Hangzhou, it turns out. No washing machine, a hotel that's a little out in the boonies, and the oppressive heat are putting a damper on my spirits. Still, I haven't given it much time.

And I'm hoping I can make it back to Shanghai for weekend concerts. And I hope I can get some time off for the big rock festival up in Inner Mongolia the last weekend in July.


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