In the spirit of Chris's posts, I present:
张江有轨电车08年底通车 将可换乘2号线(图)
Zhangjiang Tram Line To Open Late 2008, Will Connect With Metro Line 2 (Photo)

A total of 15 stops will be built down the center of the road. Illustration may not reflect reality.
Top-speed will reach 70 km/hr
★ December 23, 2007: The opening ceremony of the construction of Shanghai's first modern tram line is held on Zhangjiang Road. Construction starts on Phase 1.
★ October 2008 (anticipated): Civil engineering is finished, track laid and equipment installed. By October, train cars arrive and begin testing.
★ Goal for end of 2008: The full line enters trial operation with a top speed of 70 km/hr and a cruising speed of 30 km/hr, connecting bus and metro stops.
On this 100th anniversary of the appearance of electric trams in Shanghai, a new tram will be making an appearance in Pudong's Zhangjiang area. Currently, a quarter of the civil engineering phase is complete.
The Zhangjiang tram line calls to mind memories of Old Shanghai's "clang-clang" streetcars. As the first phase of Pudong's planned tramway, the Zhangjiang line has taken into consideration the need to provide an interchange with the Metro Line 2 at Zhangjiang High-Tech station and to the future Metro Line 2 Eastern Extension at the future Guanglan Road station.
We live a 20 minute walk from the Guanglan Rd location.
I doubly like the translation of 当当 (should be 铛铛) as "clang-clang" both because American streetcars traditionally make the clang sound (♪"clang, clang, clang goes the trolley"♪) and because clang's lowercase "c" and "l" together combine visually to make a d, which is the sound used in the chinese 铛铛. A visual pun, hoho!