Thursday, December 05, 2002


I went to my first day of tutoring the ESL kids at Laurel School and had a good time. They are a fun bunch, and made me break out my trusty, very rusty Spanish. The girls started arguing about soccer teams; it's the first time in a while I've heard people squabbling over soccer allegiances -- very cool. The students are all(?) originally from Mexico, ranging from 1 month to about 2 years in the United States. So there is a range of Spanish skills. So far I only tutored in physics and math but I may get to start on ESL level English too.

I'm making a mid-year resolution to start excercising more. I might even go sign up for the gym, just so that I'll excercise to make it worth the money spent. My bank account is acquiring a little pot belly from being well fed, I think I can justify the expense. I've been riding my bike, but I want a more well-rounded work-out. If I want to strip off my shirt to impress the chick when I appear on Elimidate, I will need some toned abs. yeah.

I've beed adding photos recently to the photo weblog.


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